Calling all gardeners, educators, wildlife lovers, watershed neighbors and community friends. 

Together we can do many things to make our creek healthier! Join us to plant native trees and plants to slow down and clean polluted runoff before it flows into the water, help in a community creek clean-up event, donate to our organization, attend a meeting. We are family-friendly. Join one of our Working Groups or just volunteer when you can. 



We are citizen scientists. We work with other "water people" such as Riverkeeper as well as local academics to sample the water in the watershed. We work in partnership which includes training and education for our members and volunteers



We work with other not-for-profits in the area of the watershed around environmental and beautification projects (clean ups, green programs to manage run off, planting of trees as examples). In addition we work with a variety of  departments of the Town of Orangetown and other municipalities in watershed 


We actively follow policy that will affect the watershed and try to take an advocacy position  that is underpinned by our mission. These policies can be local, county, state and federal. For example we have actively engaged the Rockland County Drainage Agency who are an administrator at a County level.