Lawn Care Thoughts
These ideas come from Organic Land Care, offering some best practices in Lawn Care for all Creekside Neighbor and Watershed Friends.
Don’t leave lawn care until spring?
Fall is the best time of year to commune with your lawn, Most lawns and landscapes don't need any watering in the fall, with the exception of some newly seeded lawns that temporarily need supplemental irrigation to establish roots. Many lawns in New York and the Northeast US stay green and do fine on natural rainfall only. To conserve water and help keep it clean, what's best is a nature friendly natural lawn. Natural lawns have no chemicals or irrigation water applied. Having a natural lawn also means you can enjoy watching your lawn go through its natural cycles of growth (green-up), typically in the spring and fall, and dormancy (some natural browning of grass blades), usually in late-July through August, during the different seasons of the year. During very hot and dry periods when your grass might like a drink and there's no rain in the forecast, sprinkling with a hand-held hose is often the most water-efficient way to water grass. This thinking will reduce runoff which is a great result.
For more specific information please visit Organic Land Care
More information can also be found at Cornell Cooperative Extension